5 things to do before a vagina wax appointment - so you won’t traumatise your wax lady

May 8th 2023, 12:03:48 pm

A clean vagina is so important if you have a wax appointment, or doctor appointment and especially if you plan on having sex.

Things to do before a wax appointment [Ocfacialhair]

Even though it can be a painful ordeal, women are no strangers to pain for the sake of appearance. However, they do not keep their vagina clean - and go for waxing or a doctor’s appointment

Here’s what they need to do.

If you notice a mucus-like discharge in your vagina, plus odour and itching, then go to your doctor and treat it before a wax appointment.


Contrary to popular opinion, tissues are too dry to clean your vagina properly. They just offer surface cleaning; instead, use water or unscented water-based wipes.

You need water for this, especially after excreting, you don’t want dried faeces stuck in your vagina. Also, when you pass faeces, wash your vagina from top to bottom, so faeces isn’t stuck in it.

You shouldn’t wear the same underwear all day and night, just think of the mixture of sweat, dirt and discharge sitting there. Change your underwear as often as possible, and make sure it’s cotton underwear. Sleeping at night without underwear allows your vagina to enjoy fresh air.

This is for my gym sisters. If you like to go out or gym without any underwear that doesn’t mean you should wear the same leggings or shorts every day or even more than once without washing them.

Temi Iwalaiye
Temi Iwalaiye is a lifestyle Reporter at Pulse. She loves to write - about anything and everything.


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